Friday 9 November 2012

Want to add subtitles to Vocaloid Videos?

Well, the first task would be to find a decent video editing software, but which one do you use?

I've been looking around lately, trying out the so called 'best' programs to use, and I have compiled a list for you guys to see which is the best to use.
After all, there is only advice on editing the videos, but we need advice on adding subtitles!

NOTE to you guys: These reviews are mainly negative - but as most programs out there are lacking!

1. Windows Movie Maker
According to just about anyone, Wndows Movie Maker is the best choice, but for Windows XP users, it is just about useless for subtitles. The only available version for XP adds text in huge letters across the video, and this is useless when deciding you want to sub an animated PV. It also does not let you edit mp4 files, so you have to convert them before you can sub them. The new version is said to be a lot better, but concidering I have XP...moving on...

2. AVS Video Editor

This video editor is pure genius when it comes to the general program. It is easy to use, and although can tend to lag, has a huge variety in what you do with text. It would be my top pick, but it always comes down to one thing: Price. If you download the free version, it still seems miraculous in the beginning, as it still has a huge variety in features. However,  at the end of your creation, when it comes to converting the video, it places a strange red watermark in the centre of the video - unless you buy the full version. There is also lots of variety in the format you save it as, which can be a big bonus. But unless you're willing to pay for your creations, I'd give this download a miss, or all your end results will end in disaster.

3. VideoPad Video Editor

This video editor is quite good, but hard to get to grips with. People who haven't used the program before can struggle, and it is difficult and lags. The text is also force-ably placed at the bottom of the video. I'd avoid this program - unless you are REALLY struggling for software. It has a good variety of colours, however, and sizing the text isn't a problem.There is also a page on the website, also, where you can submit your ideas for the program. I myself have submitted a comment on subtitle adding. Also, there may be a time limit to how long you can keep the free version - I didn't keep it long enough to find out!


Don't download software for adding subtitles, unless you're  prepared to pay for full versions of things such as AVS. The free software has many limitations, but it seems that text is nearly always what they limit. I would advise you to get a crack instead of paying, but not only will this damage the company that makes the software, but it will harm you as you can spend hours looking for a version that works, which can clog up your computer and pick up viruses. One thing you could do, is use internet software, but often this can add water marks and other random things you don't necisarilly want. I will add links if I find any good ones later, but so far the results are minor.
Overall, however, AVS Video Editor was the winner for the task. It was easy to use and had lots of variety, they only real problem being the obvious price. It can lag, but that is generally down to your own computer, so when processing videos it is best to have that program running alone.

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